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基于MGEKF的单站无源定位跟踪算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单站无源定位跟踪技术具有隐蔽性强、设备简单,系统相对独立等优点,有着广阔的应用前景.为了提高定位精度和收敛速度以满足实时化需求,在现有的基于多普勒变化率的单站无源定位算法的基础上.详细推导了基于MGEKF的定位算法以解决EKF算法的不稳定性,并通过计算机仿真比较了两种算法的性能,结果表明MGEKF定位算法提高了定位精度、收敛速度和稳定度,定位结果能够满足实际需求.  相似文献   
We consider supply chain coordination in which a manufacturer supplies some product to multiple heterogeneous retailers and wishes to coordinate the supply chain via wholesale price and holding cost subsidy. The retail price is either exogenous or endogenous. The market demand is described by the market share attraction model based on all retailers'shelf‐spaces and retail prices. We obtain optimal solutions for the centralized supply chain, where the optimal retail pricing is a modified version of the well‐known cost plus pricing strategy. We further get feasible contracts for the manufacturer to coordinate the hybrid and decentralized supply chains. The manufacturer can allocate the total profit free to himself and the retail market via the wholesale price when the retail price is exogenous, but otherwise he cannot. Finally, we point out that different characteristics of the retail market are due to different powers of the manufacturer, and the more power the manufacturer has, the simpler the contract to coordinate the chain will be. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
We consider a make‐to‐order manufacturer facing random demand from two classes of customers. We develop an integrated model for reserving capacity in anticipation of future order arrivals from high priority customers and setting due dates for incoming orders. Our research exhibits two distinct features: (1) we explicitly model the manufacturer's uncertainty about the customers' due date preferences for future orders; and (2) we utilize a service level measure for reserving capacity rather than estimating short and long term implications of due date quoting with a penalty cost function. We identify an interesting effect (“t‐pooling”) that arises when the (partial) knowledge of customer due date preferences is utilized in making capacity reservation and order allocation decisions. We characterize the relationship between the customer due date preferences and the required reservation quantities and show that not considering the t‐pooling effect (as done in traditional capacity and inventory rationing literature) leads to excessive capacity reservations. Numerical analyses are conducted to investigate the behavior and performance of our capacity reservation and due date quoting approach in a dynamic setting with multiple planning horizons and roll‐overs. One interesting and seemingly counterintuitive finding of our analyses is that under certain conditions reserving capacity for high priority customers not only improves high priority fulfillment, but also increases the overall system fill rate. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
炮闩闩体击针孔强度仿真计算与结构改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从击针和闩体的装配结构关系入手,在闩体击针室受力分析的基础上,进行了闩体有限元分析,得到了击针室两个不同部位受力时闩体击针孔处的应力和应变情况,从而提出解决闩体镜面击针孔产生凸出或裂纹问题的可行方案。  相似文献   
利用一种改进SIR谐振器设计交叉耦合微带带通滤波器,实现对滤波器谐波响应的进一步抑制。在此谐振器内部引入SIR谐波抑制结构,并给出了宽阻带滤波器的仿真结果。该滤波器具有较宽的阻带特性,从f0到2.8f0间的抑制约为30 dB以上;从2.8f0到5.3f0间的抑制约为20 dB以上。这种简单的谐波抑制结构既不改变原有滤波器的结构,又不需要更高精度的制作工艺,具有较强的实用性。  相似文献   
分形理论在装备保障组织设计中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于分形理论,提出了一种适应敏捷化要求的分形装备保障系统组织模型,能够通过快速的重构以响应战场环境的变化。阐明了其层次性、自相似、自组织和自优化的组织结构特点,分析了其运行模式。  相似文献   
在对雷达干扰资源分配的一般优化模型和求解算法进行分析的基础上,从提高资源利用效率的角度出发,提出了目标雷达分群思想,并建立了一种新的基于一对多策略的雷达干扰资源分配模型,通过对目标雷达群的一对一分配实现对单部雷达的一对多分配.最后,对该模型中一些关键性问题进行了探讨,如任务整合、新任务参数确定、任务优先级排序、干扰机位置部署以及单目标雷达群干扰效益评估等.  相似文献   
针对空空导弹越肩发射初制导俯仰平面180°转弯,提出了一种基于最优控制理论的最优转弯方法,该方法是确定一个最佳推力方向角,使转弯完成时导弹的末端速度最大。建立了简化的用于姿态控制的姿态动力学模型,采用反作用喷气控制系统(RCS)设计了导弹的姿态控制律。对空空导弹180°转弯的飞行过程进行了仿真并给出分析结果。  相似文献   
基于模型跟踪变结构控制的飞行重构控制律设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于模型跟踪变结构控制的飞行重构控制律的设计方法.利用该方法能实现受控对象对理想模型较高精度的跟踪,使重构飞行控制系统具有较好的控制性能.首先设计了一个比例-积分滑模面以确保消除稳态误差,采用极点配置技术使滑模具有良好的动态品质,其次利用饱和控制技术来减少变结构控制引起的抖振现象,最后以某型飞机纵向飞行控制系统为例进行了相应的数字仿真.结果表明重构系统不仅实现了无抖振模型跟踪,而且还具有较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   
科学研究成果在高校如雨后春笋般涌现。如何应用这些成果,发挥其实用价值,是摆在我们面前的一项重要任务。将科研与教学紧密结合,将科研成果应用到院校教学工作中,提高教学效益,提高人才培养质量,是当前院校的紧迫任务。要建立科学的评价指标体系,实现科研成果向教学转化的数字化评价,建立科研成果向教学转化的评价机制。  相似文献   
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